The English-Czech Preschool, Educational and Leisure Centre offers an educational programme for children from 2.5 to 7 years of age, which enables each child to develop according to their possibilities and needs. A culturally and linguistically diverse environment full of mutual respect enriches not only children, but also teachers and parents. The EMBERA team supports the language development of Czech and English with native speakers, which is provided on a daily basis and throughout the day. The family atmosphere that prevails in the kindergarten due to the small number of children in the group and the partnership with the children and their parents creates a cordial place for everyone. Parents have the opportunity to have regular conversations about their children’s development, needs and hobbies. We pride ourselves on the gradual adaptation of children to the environment and the team in the kindergarten, which can take place in the presence of parents to the extent that is optimal for the child.

The basic approaches include inclusiveness, fairness and openness, i.e. an effort to perceive the uniqueness of each child and a willingness to provide them with such stimuli that help their optimal development. We develop children holistically, the main focus is the development of social skills such as empathy, respect, tolerance and intercultural sensitivity. Successful acquisition of these skills is one of the basic prerequisites for a happy life in a diverse community.

We are aware that at an early age, children are able to absorb the maximum amount of information from which they draw throughout their lives. We want to develop children’s potential and make their journey in life easier.

We provide full-day, half-day or combined attendance. The schedule is flexible: children attend three, four or five days a week. In the afternoon, there are hobby groups: drama class, language courses and private English lessons, movement and music education, drawing and painting, pre-school reading using the Elkonin method. Leisure activities, e.g. pajama parties, cooking, thematic workshops, are organized on Friday afternoons or during the weekend. During the summer holidays, we organize suburban camps.

EMBERA center is located in an easily accessible location on the border of Prague 5 and Prague 1.
You can get to our language kindergarten by metro from the Anděl station, by tram or bus from the Švandovo Divadlo stop or by tram from the Újezd stop.

The English-Czech Kindergarten

The PreSchool

for children ages 2,5-7 years

Afternoon program

After School Club
Extra Activity

News from our Centre

Enrollment in the English-Czech preschool for the year 2024/25

Dear parents, we would like to inform you that the enrollment of children (age 2,5 – 6) in…


The friendly cooperation between the EMBERA center and the TUREČEK children’s club was established in 2021. From 2022, we…


Dear parents, friends. We all would like to invite you to celebrate the end  of the year 2022.…

Enrollment in the English-Czech preschool for the year 2024/25

Dear parents, we would like to inform you that the enrollment of children (age 2,5 – 6) in…


The friendly cooperation between the EMBERA center and the TUREČEK children’s club was established in 2021. From 2022, we…


Dear parents, friends. We all would like to invite you to celebrate the end  of the year 2022.…